I hate the fact people strive for life, strive for food, strive for water, strive for hope, strive for love, strive for forgiveness, strive for strength, strive for passion, strive for blessings when we do nothing about it.
We take our blessings forgranted - once we get something we want more. Or we don't like what we have been blessed with. Theres always something more. .
There are tons of people who strive for those things, who would give up everything just to feel something ; anything. It makes me sad knowing there are people just like me and you who have nothing. They carry doubt and are hopeless. Why do us Christians take things forgranted?
Don't we understand that God has great things instore for us. He blesses us continuously and yet we take those blessings forgranted? How could we. .
People are people, we all feel the same. We hurt the same, and we strive the same.
We may do it in different ways but we all feel the exact same in the end. Seeing people just like me walking around with nothing, no shelter no money, no hope, no faith, no smile brings a feeling inside of me that i can't even come to explain. The pain it fills my heart with .
I know we can make a difference in this world for we know Christ and with him anything is possible. Why not help people who strive for life everyday. Why take things we have forgranted, when really some people have nothing we have. Why get angry at the things we want, but dont have, when some people don't even have a chance to feel that .
Nothing we get is ever good enough.
I hate it.
We are destined to lose, if we do this alone. God can help us he can mold us into the people his heart has always desired us to be. Each one of us are here for a specific reason, it only takes time to understand the reason you are here. We're all here to help people who need it. Why stand by them each day and just think of the things you could have done, but instead just do them. For after every greatness is a blessing. Don't just do it for the blessing though, do it for their own heart and the hearts you will be filling with love and joy. Do it for God for he did the same thing for you. He sacrificed things he loved for you. He sacrificed everything.
Sunday, January 31, 2010
what i feel
Posted by Endless Love at 11:14 AM 0 comments
Let it all go.
Each and everyday we die a little inside. . atleast thats the reality of life right?
Because each day that passes is another day gone. It's just another day we can never have back . Just a memory.
shame holds you down,and sells you out.
From every mistake you make through days that become just memories it's shame that holds you down.
Come now just let it all go,
let it fall down, let it all flow .
It's not life that is killing you, it's the world that is killing you. Why do we all live up to the worldly things and not the Godly things that will bring you strength. The worldly things will only bring you death it will destroy you, whereas God will bring you life. We're all living up to the worlds standards and our own standards where are Gods standards in this ? We need him more than anything.
God will build us up, he will mold us into the people his heart desires us to be. Let go of the worldly things that are destroying you and hold onto God.
Come now just let it all go,
let it fall down, let it all flow .
Go to him and rest - for he will give you strength and rest when you are weak and tired.
Posted by Endless Love at 10:54 AM 0 comments
You can . .
You can't change the world, until you change yourself.
You can't make a difference, until you be that difference.
You can't feel love until you felt his love.
You can't know right from wrong until you understand his word.
You can't show love until you feel his.
You can't understand the world until you understand him.
You can change the world if you change yourself,
You can make a difference when you decide to be the difference,
You can and will feel love once you felt his.
You can know right from wrong once you understand his word,
You can show love once you feel his,
and you can understand the world once you understand him.
For my God never leaves - whether i am on the right track or the wrong he never leaves my side, and it's his un failing love that keeps me moving. .
Posted by Endless Love at 10:46 AM 0 comments
You have to Understand that you will never be able and have control in changing someone - Only the person you strive & hope to change can change themselves.
Posted by Endless Love at 10:45 AM 0 comments
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Open your eyes to the unseen, because honnestly the unseen is the most beautiful thing you would ever see.
Gods love for all of us is so strong and it never fades. His love for us is endless. No matter what our weaknesses are he always loves us and is always here for us. He never betreys, and he never rejects he's always here with open arms waiting for his children to run into them. Stop living in fear of what the world thinks of you or how the world wants you to live-for it is not true and Gods grace is amazing. keep on asking, and you will be given what you ask for, keep on looking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened. For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. " Matthew 7:7-8a. God is so faithful and honnest. We need to start depending on God for he is always here. Stop getting distracted by the world and believeing the lies of the world and start believeing the truth in his word.
Posted by Endless Love at 1:45 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
His Everything..
His love endures forever,
his forgiveness,
his protection,
his care,
his kindness,
his faithfulness,
his promises - all of it will last forever, his love for you is endless.
Posted by Endless Love at 4:08 PM 9 comments
One Promise
He knows all about you, everything.
But even though he knows all of your weaknesses, his love for you will never fade.
He'll never get tired of you.
His love for you is forever.
Posted by Endless Love at 4:06 PM 0 comments
Saturday, January 2, 2010
We are the paintings, and God is the artist.
We are all paintings, and God is the artist.
We don't give enough thanks and appriciation towards that.
We need to start building people up instead of tareing them down for how they look, and for who they are we need to accept them, Because they are a painting of God, and he designed you and made you who you are so don't hate who you are, or what you look like because that is an insult to God. No matter how big this world may be, it doesn't matter, God is much bigger and his grace is amazing.
Forgiveness will release you. If there is one person you do not want to become, if you keep imageining their faults and who they are you will be come the person you do not want to be. You have to believe in what you desire, believe you will not turn into that person. Instead of living all of your life trying not to be that person. Unforgiveness won't hurt anyone but yourself. Let forgiveness release you, God created all of us for a purpose, we are all here for a reason - the journey behind it is great. You have to run after that journey, so called life. The key thing for God to work in your life, is not being independant. You have to give all your heart to God for he gives all of his to each one of us and some people don't see or understand that. You can't do life on your own, you need God every step of the day, but also you and God can't do this just you two. I mean you could but to make it work even better and get you through things you need more than just you and God you need people surrounding you in truth and who follow God aswell. Gods your strength, keep him abundant, he's always here. We have to understand that. Gods glory is great and he is a God with everlasting love.
God loves unconditionally, he never betreys. Seek him. adore him. Love him, just as he does the exact same fore you. Put all your faith into God, he will never let you down. That is certian all your hopes and dreams, if you put faith towards God he will make those hopes and dreams come true for he is a faithful God who never lets down.
When i see hundreds of people worshiping our God i get this enormous endless warm feeling inside that is undescribable, i can't help but smile and giggle a bit to myself because of the amazing presence of God inwhich fills the entire place. It's incredible i get this huge joy in my heart that i don't want to end. So why let it end right?
The reason why we don't sometimes accomplish the things we wanted to is because we believed the lies of the world, and all we had to do was depend on God and we could have accomplished anything we wanted to. But lies of the world over came us like a wave in the ocean. We suddenly get surrounded by this huge wave, and we can no longer move or swim away from that because the pressure is to much for us to intake. So we drown in that ocean wave. Just like we drown in the lies of the world.
We are the body of Christ.
Without the body there would just be the head rolling around, we need to prove that we are the body, and show him that we are stronger than the world and we can overcome the lies. Live in the truth of God because there is no better than God.
so i'll sing forever - come be the fire inside of me, come be the flame upon my heart, come be the fire inside of me, until you and I are one.
Posted by Endless Love at 7:49 PM 0 comments