Wednesday, January 7, 2009

things that come your way . .

Dont be affraid of the things that come your way ,
strive for hope, destiny, and love eachday .

we all make mistakes but that doesnt give you an excuse to give up,
don't push the good stuff in life aside and hold onto the bad.

keep the strength and hold in your hands the good things.
as much as you want to lose strength & hope , and find yourself falling down,
be the difference in the world & be a difference in this cold town.

the tears you hold back inside,
you dont want to show but then you think twice & don't want to be the on to hide.

close your eyes & focus on the good things, forget about the bad things.
we often get carried away with all the bad that we forget what the good things are,
which isnt good and it will only make you stumble and fall.

but pull through, throughout it all .
bad things happen in life to make you stronger & realize that no ones perfect. .