Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Behind every struggle comes strength, behind strength comes faith.

People have struggles and fears, but some people are just better at hiding them than others..

they have a good way at pretending everythings okay, sometimes just to make themselves look better and stronger but really inside you don't feel better and stronger you feel weak and broken.

Struggles come daily, everyday we go through things we wish we didn't have to face but reality hits yeah like the sun on a day like today.

The things we face are actually what makes us humans stronger than we started off as. Every struggle that comes always goes, but as it goes it leaves you with more strength than you even think you have. You may not notice it but others around may. And those people around you who notice the strength you gained from the pain you go through changes them a little bit inside, it inspires them. It opens their eyes to things they don't face but yet know and acknoledge how hard it may be to be in your shoes.

Behind every struggle comes strength, behind strength comes hope and peace.
Let things fall in it's own place.

Sometimes you want to try so hard to figure things out, but really sometimes things just need to figure themselves out no matter what you want to happen. Have faith have strength, have courage, have hope and hold on because through every struggle comes strength.