Sunday, December 26, 2010

I walked into that room, in excitment and hope and joy and love.
I walked in slow with a steady paste waiting to see that look on your face.

Before i walked in, i looked on the names beside only noticing your husbands but yours i could not find.

I walked in and saw him sitting there in despair yet under everything there was srength. I looked there was an open space - a space where you once belonged. A space filled with lack of grace.

Speachless, not knowing or understanding.
In wonder of where you went, the look in his eyes so troubled and scared yet so humble and faithful.

I glanced back to look at the door to see your names once again, yet yours still didn't appear. I instantly got this feeling that uncertainty that you were near.

Your bed was gone, your smile wasn't there you weren't there.
I questioned myself, saying none of this was fair.

I go to the other side, i see you sitting their. The look in your eyes of worry and fear but most of all the look was heartache.
I could tell deep down you wanted to come back - you'd do anything to be in his arms, anything to just be in his presence. You would do anything it takes.

That feeling i had as i walked into that room, the feeling of uncertainty it hurt. Now the look in your eyes it gave me hope. It touched me, you touched me. For i know you'd do anything it takes. <3