Thursday, March 31, 2011

English Essay

The past week I have been challenged to stand up in front of a class room filled with people just like myself and try to overcome a fear and help teach them for a grade 10 literacy exam. My grade 12 teacher advised all of us students who have participated in this task to write an essay about their experience while teaching so here goes mine...
In Their Shoes
Today I was faced with a new challenge. Have you ever gone to a store where you fell in love with a pair of new shoes but they just didn’t fit right? Well today I felt like I was in that store trying on a pair of new shoes that to me just didn’t fit. I walked in the shoes of another person. When you’re trying so hard to squeeze your toes in only so that they fit can get frustrating at times. For relief you only wish they had your size. It was as if I was in that situation but in front of many people who are all just like me. I was trying so hard to make it work, make me fit in to what I was challenged to be for those few days; a teacher.
People take teachers for granted; they underestimate teachers. I’ve learned that, in the very victimized teaching that I was challenged to do. I always thought in the back of my mind that teaching wasn’t always as it looks or seems. It’s like when you first paint a picture; the colours look exactly the way you want it to, but not until it’s dry, is when you realize you’ve got to add a little more colour. Nothing seems or looks the way they are unless you are in that situation or in that person’s shoes and you understand their role. Not until the day I jumped in those new shoes, only to take on a role that just didn’t fit me was when I realized not everyone is going to do or be exactly who you want them to be or do what you want them to do. It just doesn’t work that way. I’ve learned that sometimes you’ve just got to make the best of it, and step out in faith only to take on something that seems so dangerous to you to make you a stronger individual. Sometimes it’s not until you step out of your comfort zone that shows you a whole new perspective and meaning on other things that can also give you strength. As I got closer to that grade ten class I began to get anxious and astound by the noise coming from steps away. In those last few minutes before entering that deafening classroom I remembered that all I can do is be who I am and try my best to help these people who are just like me. I took a breath and began to slowly walk in following the rest of my group members only hoping I stay clear and hidden behind. I kept hearing all of these harsh voices but not understanding any of the words that were expressed, only to figure out that they were already off topic from what we were attempting to say. It was as if as soon as people just like them around their ages come in, to take the role of a teacher wasn’t serious enough for them. It was like they thought they could take even more advantage of us; already nervous hesitant and self conscious teenagers.
At this time of experience I was eager to know and understand how teachers have the patience and strength to stand up there whether people are listening or not and teach their own knowledge. I’ve learned that teaching isn’t all as its set out to be, you don’t just read from something you have been given, but you take the time to write down your own thoughts and your own views. It’s kind of like a letter to someone where you write down how you feel about something in particular and show your views on the topic you’re writing about. It’s not as simple as it may seem to be. Standing in front of a class of students where each person may have different views, values and morals trying to meet everyone’s standards just isn’t as easy as talking to someone on a one to one basis. I stood their lost at first trying so hard to find the key in teaching. Everything about teaching that once seemed so easy suddenly was cliché. Becoming the teacher who is expected to instruct an entire class where you absolutely have no idea who anyone is; is a totally different perspective to as if you knew them on a personal basis.
Even in the midst of feeling so out of place, wearing a pair of shoes that just didn’t fit right I kept in the back of my mind the inspiration teachers give me. Teachers inspire me, by just getting up in front of people they may not necessarily know and help them only to progress in their own knowledge. How they give us a chance to become stronger individuals and students. They inspire me by the patience they with hold every single day, and the challenges of overcoming a situation that they may not even want to handle in that time. I’m moved by the way they wake up every morning ready to take on another class of students who may not listen, or participate, and may argue and complain but yet they hang in there with faith and try to understand the student and where he/she may be coming from. I have a better understanding of that now from this experience I attempted. Sometimes people aren’t going to listen to everything you say but you’ve got to believe in yourself enough to try and make a difference for maybe not all of the students but the hope of making a difference for at least one person is what keeps you going, at least that’s how it was for me. Through this task I have realized that you can overcome fears that challenge you. I did not want to stand up in front of that class in a pair of shoes that did not fit trying to be someone I’m not with a passion. It’s in those moments where you find strength and clarity through your struggles. I was set back from the anxious loud teenagers steps away from what I was about to enter in; a class room. I was nervous and afraid, and self conscious of thoughts that would race through their minds. To me I was just like them standing up in front trying to take on a role that just wasn’t for me.
Through this whole entire awful threatening horrid excruciating experience what I’ve learned most was that Struggles we face are there to challenge you; so let it challenge you. Let yourself overcome those challenges. Have faith and let strength take you away. For every struggle we face and challenges we come across only makes us stronger. We may not realize it now but in time we will look back and see the strength we have gained from each struggle that has ever challenged us. This task was a challenge to me only because it was something “new”. It wasn’t like a game of volleyball where I knew exactly where to be at the exact moment. Or knowing where I was supposed to serve the ball. I didn’t know what the exact “label” of a teacher was. As I walked in shoes that did not fit right I’ve learned that beauty is in our differences.

By: Danielle Houston