Sunday, March 15, 2009


as im driving down a busy road,
seeing vehicles that pass on by,
as some turn right & some go left.

isn't it strange thinking how big the world really is,
but when you think about it,
there's so many different worlds here.
you think when one car turns right & the next goes left how many worlds are there really.

this world is so selfish that we don't appriciate the good things anymore,
we take advantage of every single thing that comes our way,
we often lose the little things we fear to say.

what if there was no such thing as makeing mistakes,
would the world be the same or would it be boring.

as you ride a plane and look out the window seeing nothing but the white clouds slowly moving in the thin air,
wondering if you are as high as you can get, or if theres something yet above you, still trying to be discovered. .
wondering if theres something better than where you're about to land.

the world is full of kaosity,
it's a busy place
but yet this world is so beautiful but yet undiscovered by many souls.

half the world lives,
half the world makes,
half the world gives,
while the other half takes,

half the world hates,
half the world runs away,
half the worlds always late,
the other half praises each day.

half the worls lies,
half the world burns,
half the world cries,
and half the world turns.

this world is so big, yet we are so blinde to find the beauty with in it.
were to caught up in ego, and regrets that we won't open up our eyes and just forget.

what kind of world is this,
a world of my own,
a world of expression,
a world never leaving you alone.

looking out that plane window,
seeing clouds floating gently beneath where you fly,
wondering what's above,
or if you can get even more high.

clouds floating by,
realizing the beauty that lies right before those crystal blue eyes,
who would have thought it could be such a beautiful sight,
seeing what was once dark turn into light.

the speed you are flying in,
only takes away a few breaths, wondering what is left.

feeling the turbulance beneath where you sit,
the hope you hold,
& wonders that cross your mind.

how many worlds are there in this one.
because deep inside there are more than just this big old world,
theres a million that surround us ,

look deep inside that beautiful place,
& you will find nothing but grace. .