Tuesday, April 27, 2010

People make mistakes, we all do. It's what makes us human, and in the end i think our weaknesses really make us stronger, underneath it all mistakes gives us more strength than anything they make us stronger. . and we all have our fair share in making those mistakes but in the end it takes courage and strength to go beyond those mistakes and weaknesses and see beyond them. See the beauty beyond the darkness. Behind every darkness there is a light, and it is shining we just have to find it.

We all have weaknesses, but behind every weakness there is a strength that counts so much more and we are just to busy trying to figure out how to fix our weakness we don't see the strength that comes with it.

In everyone of us lies a great potential, and we may not know what that is right now but we will find it soon. It's all apart of finding out who we really are. It just takes time and everyone of us are great we just sometimes get caught up in the lies that the world tell us that we don't believe it anymore. It tares us down when really we need to be lifted up.